all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 4AA 1 1 52.061525 -1.327429
OX16 4AB 1 1 52.058921 -1.317098
OX16 4FA 21 0 52.064464 -1.316196
OX16 4FB 36 0 52.06504 -1.314904
OX16 4FD 34 0 52.064464 -1.314752
OX16 4FE 32 0 52.066085 -1.315121
OX16 4FF 39 0 52.065864 -1.314308
OX16 4FG 34 0 52.06446 -1.317057
OX16 4FN 42 0 52.067114 -1.31582
OX16 4FP 45 0 52.066281 -1.319568
OX16 4FQ 37 0 52.065339 -1.316737
OX16 4FR 18 0 52.066781 -1.317445
OX16 4FS 36 0 52.066761 -1.315563
OX16 4FT 42 0 52.067722 -1.316788
OX16 4FU 61 0 52.065747 -1.319007
OX16 4FW 31 0 52.065604 -1.316033
OX16 4NJ 57 0 52.06323 -1.325317
OX16 4NL 55 0 52.063488 -1.324774
OX16 4PN 1 1 52.063689 -1.314429
OX16 4PT 17 0 52.062857 -1.326111